Well done and thank you to Nick Hawkes who recently completed his first Triathlon in Ashbourne and in the process managed to raise over £200 for Careline!
Nick, who lives in Clifton with his wife Lesley and children Jess and Ben, said ” I chose this charity because it was local and because it provides such a worthwhile service of friendship to people who need it.”
We’re thrilled that he chose Careline and very grateful for his donation. Thank you also to everyone who supported or sponsored Nick.

Thank you to everyone who joined the Careline Team for this weekend’s Walk For Your Charity event at the Wootton Lodge Estate. Thank you also to all of our sponsors.
It was a beautiful, sunny morning and everyone agreed how lucky we were to have the opportunity to walk in such stunning surroundings.
If you haven’t yet sponsored us, it’s not too late. Please go to Virgin Money Giving website to make on online donation or send in a donation to the Careline office. We’ll be able to let you know how much we’ve raised within the next couple of weeks, so please keep checking the website for an update.

This year Careline will be joining the Rotary Club of Uttoxeter’s Walk for Charity at 10am on Sunday 18th May in the beautiful grounds of the Wootton Lodge Estate, near Ellastone. This is a fantastic opportunity to walk in parkland that is usually closed to the public.
It promises to be a fun event for all the family (including well behaved dogs on leads) and you would be helping a local charity to raise some important funds.
There are 2 walks – 2.5 miles on tarmac roads and 5 miles on tarmac and stoned forest roads. Either come along to join us on the walk or sponsor the Careline Team on our Virgin Money Giving Page http://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/giving/ & we’ll do the walk for you!
If you would like to join us, you will need to pre-register on http://www.uttoxeter-rotary.org.uk/walk/ – this will cost £5 per person (under 12s free) if you register before 3rd May. You can register after 3rd or on the day of the walk but the cost will rise to £10 per person. Please note also that the Rotary Club do reserve the right to close the walk to new registrations after the 3rd of May, so register early to avoid disappointment.

Wootton Lodge is thought to have been built in the early 17th century by Robert Smythson for Sir Richard Fleetwood. It is a very impressive building (grade 1 listed); with three storeys plus a basement and is topped by a balustraded parapet. The Lodge was damaged during the Civil War, but was restored around 1700 when the imposing entrance steps were added.
During the 19th and 20th centuries the house was occupied by several well known tenants including Sir Oswald Mosley who wanted the seclusion of Wootton Lodge after his secret marriage to Diana Mitford.
Joseph Bamford, the founder of JCB, bought Wootton Lodge in the late 20th century and lived there before moving to Switzerland as a tax exile. The lodge is now owned by JCB and the grounds are well maintained by the JCB Estates Department. The grounds are beautiful, with a lake, rivers, mature trees and plenty of wildlife, including a herd of red deer. They are not normally open to the public, so this sponsored walk will give participants the rare privilege of enjoying these magnificent private grounds.
Please call Marianne, Mary or Jo in the Careline office if you need any additional information. Otherwise we look forward to seeing you there!
We’d like to say a big thank you to our members and volunteers for your continued support. 2013 was an important year for Careline as we saw our service grow to include Uttoxeter and the surrounding villages. We’re all now looking forward to another successful year, when we hope to reach even more people with our befriending calls.
Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Peaceful New Year ahead.
Best wishes from all at Careline